Prof. Nweke shares his work on sedimentary basin specific site response in ground motion modeling for the Southern California region with the Caltech Community Seismic Network (CSN) Group which includes globally prominent seismologists and earthquake engineers. Here is a link to the CSN group website here.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Virtual Seminar Series Speaker
Prof. Nweke was invited to present his research findings on sedimentary basin effects in earthquake ground motion from observed and simulated seismic event data at the virtual seminar series hosted by the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). More information can be found here.
Prof. Nweke Op-Ed Featured on UC Berkeley S.T.A.R. Blog
Prof. Nweke shares some advice on Persevering Through Adversity focusing on self and science. He touches on four points that he sees as vital to navigating the adversities of life. “Incremental progress requires a paradigm shift in self-expectations, goal setting, and plan direction … … Once you put things on paper there’s a level of … Read More
Prof. Nweke featured on ASCE GeoInstitute’s “Director’s Cut”
Professor Nweke was featured on the podcast series/show from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) GeoInstitute (GI), “Director’s Cut” hosted by Brad Keelor, the director of GI. They discuss the topics of research, engineering, sports, diversity, family, and more. Check out the video for more details and the full interview. Prof. Nweke is a … Read More